ZipRecruiter Statistics and Revenue

ZipRecruiter Revenue and Users Statistics 2023
ZipRecruiter is a recruitment platform and an online employment marketplace that allows you to publish job postings to over 100 job boards, all with just one submission. Founded in 2010, ZipRecruiter has grown to become one of the largest job sites in the US, with a database of 43 million+ resumes and an AI-driven applicant matching technology. So, without further do, here are some ZipRecruiter statistics that you need to know. As of Q1 2023, ZipRecruiter’s market share is 8.31% in the United States. Also, ZipRecruiter is currently available in countries: USA, Canada, UK, and India. And, it assists millions of employers and job seekers every day in finding the perfect job match. If you want to learn more important ZipRecruiter statistics, keep on reading this article.  

ZipRecruiter Key Stats 2023


ZipRecruiter User Statistics 2023


ZipRecruiter Key User Statistics

  • On average, 37.1M people visited ZipRecruiter in Q1 2023.
  • At the end of Q1 2023, ZipRecruiter has over 105K paid users.
  • ZipRecruiter had 25M monthly active users in 2021.
  • Since its launch:
    • More than 2.8 million employers use ZipRecruiter, and approximately 10,000 new employers join each month.
    • ZipRecruiter has received 430 million job applications from 110M+ job seekers.
    • Around 40M people have subscribed to ZipRecruiter’s job alert emails.

ZipRecruiter Active Users

Since its inception, over 110 million job seekers across industries and 2.8M+ businesses of all sizes used ZipRecruiter. Additionally, there were 90M job postings in 2020. Based on below data, the number of job seekers in 2021 decreased by a million compared to 2020.
Year Number of Active Job Seekers
2020 36M+
2021 35M+
Source: ZipRecruiter, CloudFront, SEC

ZipRecruiter Monthly Active Users

In the year 2021, ZipRecruiter was estimated to have 25M monthly active users. And, in April 2023, its monthly visits stood at 37.9 million users. On average, ZipRecruiter had an average of 37.1 million visitors in Q1 2023. Total Visits (in Millions) - ZipRecruiter statistics Source: DMR, Similarweb

ZipRecruiter Paid Users

By the end of the first quarter of 2023, ZipRecruiter has over 105K paid employers which is a 26% year-over-year increase. Note that the paid users or employers don’t include ZipRecruiter’s job distribution partners or other indirect channels. Paid Users
Quarter Number of Paid Users
Q1 2020 98,456
Q2 2020 76,867
Q3 2020 89,810
Q4 2020 89,636
Q1 2021 114,705
Q2 2021 169,191
Q3 2021 169,535
Q4 2021 147,081
Q1 2022 150,233
Q2 2022 156,537
Q3 2022 135,703
Q4 2022 108,296
Q1 2023 105,948
Source: CloudFront, SEC  

ZipRecruiter Revenue 2023

ZipRecruiter total revenue for the first quarter of 2023 is $183.7 million. It displays a 19% year-over-year decrease. Quarterly Revenue (in Millions)
Quarter Revenue (in Millions)
Q1 2021 $125.4
Q2 2021 $183
Q3 2021 $212.7
Q4 2021 $220
Q1 2022 $227
Q2 2022 $239.9
Q3 2022 $227
Q4 2022 $210.5
Q1 2023 $183.7
Source: Zippia, SEC

ZipRecruiter Annual Revenue

In 2022, ZipRecruiter’s annual revenue reached $904.6 million. This shows a significant increase of 22% compared to the previous year when its annual revenue was $741.1 million. Annual Revenue (in Millions)
Year Annual Revenue (in Millions)
2019 $429.6
2020 $418.1
2021 $741.1
2022 $904.6
Source: SEC, SEC

ZipRecruiter Revenue Per Paid User

At the end of Q1 2023, ZipRecruiter’s revenue per paid user was $1,734. This revenue per paid user experienced a 30% increase from December 31, 2021, to December 31, 2022. ZipRecruiter Quarterly Revenue Per Paid User
Quarter Revenue Per Subscriber
Q1 2020 $1,151
Q2 2020 $1,140
Q3 2020 $1,145
Q4 2020 $1,276
Q1 2021 $1,093
Q2 2021 $1,081
Q3 2021 $1,254
Q4 2021 $1,497
Q1 2022 $1,513
Q2 2022 $1,533
Q3 2022 $1,673
Q4 2022 $1,944
Q1 2023 $1,734
Source: CloudFront, SEC

ZipRecruiter Monthly Revenue Per Paid User

In 2022, paid users generated average monthly revenue of $508, which is nearly 17% higher than the 2021 cohort. Additionally, the average monthly revenue per paid employer in the 2016 cohort increased by over 5 times from Year 1 to Year 7, with continuous growth each year. Average amount of money earned by ZipRecruiter per month - by year Source: SEC

How Did ZipRecruiter Market Value Change?

ZipRecruiter (ZIP) went public on May 26, 2021. Since then ZipRecruiter stock shares ranged from $18 to $32.00 in value. Though, ZipRecruiter valuation was approximately $2.4 billion during its IPO, with shares trading at $18 each. ZipRecruiter net income for the year 2022 was $61.5 million and for Q1 2023 is $5 million. Now, ZipRecruiter market cap is currently at $1.63 billion as of May 12, 2023, with the closing stock price at $14.95. Source: Zippia, MacroTrends, CloudFront, SEC  

ZipRecruiter User Demographics 2023

The ZipRecruiter ratio in the USA and in other countries shows that the platform attracts more male than female visitors, with 50.81% of the audience being men and 49.19% being women. Also, the most common age group among the visitors is 25 to 34 years old. user demographics Source: Similarweb

ZipRecruiter Users by Device

Most of ZipRecruiter’s users, i.e., 70% access the platform through mobile devices, whereas 30% use desktop computers. ZipRecruiter Users (by Devices) - ZipRecruiter statistics Source: Zippia

Recommended: Indeed Revenue and Usage Statistics


ZipRecruiter Hiring Statistics

  • Typically, ZipRecruiter hosted around 9 million active job postings at any given time in 2021.
  • Currently, it has a database of 43M+ resumes.
  • ZipRecruiter matches 80% of employers with a quality candidate within one day of posting a job.
  • In 2020, ZipRecruiter enabled employers to access 14 million active job seekers every month.
  • Furthermore, ZipRecruiter matched 30M job candidates in 2022.
Source: DMR, ZipRecruiter, SEC, CloudFront  

ZipRecruiter User Reviews

As of May 2023, ZipRecruiter has a rating of ⭐4.2/5 based on 10.8K reviews on the GetApp website. ZipRecruiter Getapp ratings - ZipRecruiter statistics Source: GetApp

ZipRecruiter Positive and Negative Review Ratio

If we classify 3-5⭐ reviews as positive and 1-2⭐ reviews as negative, ZipRecruiter’s positive reviews account for 94% of the total, and negative reviews account for only 6%.  

ZipRecruiter Employment Statistics


ZipRecruiter Ratio of Employees

Approximately 1,000 individuals are currently employed at ZipRecruiter, and 14.3% of them are graduates of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Source: DMR

What is the ZipRecruiter Employees’ Average Salary?

Though ZipRecruiter average salary for its employees is $69,730 per year, they tend to stay with the company for around 3.7 years only. Source: Zippia  

How Much Does ZipRecruiter Cost?

ZipRecruiter offers three pricing plans: Standard, Premium, and Pro. Employers can start with a 4-day free trial for both the Standard and Premium plans. After the trial, charges are based on the number and duration of job postings. The pricing details, including the ZipRecruiter monthly subscription, are as follows:
Plans Non-Monthly Pricing Rates Monthly Pricing Rates
Standard $16 per day per job $299 per job per month
Premium $24 per day per job $419 per job per month
Pro $719 per job per month
Note: For non-monthly pricing rates, you are charged once your bill reaches $500 or when you cancel your subscription. Source: Forbes  

ZipRecruiter Alternatives

Indeed, LinkedIn and Glassdoor have a market share of 22.57%, 15.26%, and 10.86% respectively. As you can see, all of these companies have a higher market share than ZipRecruiter, which has 8.31% only. Source: 6Sense

ZipRecruiter Vs Indeed

Even though Indeed is a competitor of ZipRecruiter, it generates way more revenue than ZipRecruiter, partly due to its availability in more countries. Also, Indeed is founded in 2004, and ZipRecruiter in 2010. That means, Indeed has operated in the field for over five years longer than ZipRecruiter.

Indeed and ZipRecruiter Statistics

  • Indeed’s annual revenue is $2.9 billion, while ZipRecruiter’s is $904.6 million.
  • Indeed is available in 60+ countries and ZipRecruiter is in only 4 countries.
  • When ZipRecruiter has a database of 43 million+ resumes, Indeed gives access to 245M resumes.
Source: Zippia, Wikipedia, Indeed

Is ZipRecruiter Better Than Indeed?

ZipRecruiter and Indeed, both offer distinct advantages. For instance, with ZipRecruiter, you get a fixed number of reusable job slots. Thus, it is better suitable for large companies that require regular hiring.  Conversely, Indeed is an ideal choice for smaller companies that have budget constraints, as it provides forever-free job postings.

LinkedIn Vs ZipRecruiter

Unlike other recruitment platforms, LinkedIn operates as a social media platform focused on business and employment. It is available through both websites and mobile applications. Plus, LinkedIn lets you post 1 free job post and charges for promoted job posts.

LinkedIn and ZipRecruiter Statistics

  • LinkedIn was founded in 2002 but it is launched in 2003.
  • In 2022, the annual revenue of ZipRecruiter is $904.6 million and LinkedIn’s is $13.8 billion.
  • LinkedIn has registered users from 200+ countries, including territories. And, ZipRecruiter is available in 4 countries.
Source: Zippia, Wikipedia, Statista

Is ZipRecruiter Better Than LinkedIn?

ZipRecruiter and LinkedIn have their own unique features. ZipRecruiter offers a large database of active job seekers and provides a user-friendly platform for both employers and job seekers. On the other hand, LinkedIn is a popular professional networking platform that allows companies to create a professional brand, showcase their company culture, and connect with potential candidates.

Glassdoor Vs ZipRecruiter

Glassdoor was founded in 2007, i.e. 15 years ago. Basically, Glassdoor is a website where former and current employees review companies anonymously. Also, it offers job listings and salary information for job seekers. 

Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter Statistics

  • Glassdoor has 12 million job postings while ZipRecruiter has 90M.
  • In the year 2022, Glassdoor’s peak revenue was $320.0M and ZipRecruiter’s was $239.9M.
  • Glassdoor served 2.4 million employer clients since it was founded, whereas ZipRecruiter served over 2.8 million employers.
Source: The Small Business Blog, Zippia, Glassdoor

Is ZipRecruiter Better Than Glassdoor?

With ZipRecruiter, you get access to a vast pool of candidates, with over 110M job seekers and 2.8M+ employers. This makes it a better fit for larger companies looking to hire regularly.  On the contrary, Glassdoor has a database of company reviews and ratings, making it an ideal choice for companies that prioritize employer branding and reputation management. Additionally, Glassdoor has 55 million+ monthly unique visitors, providing ample exposure to potential candidates.  


ZipRecruiter continues to maintain its position as one of the leading online job search and recruitment platforms in the world. It has a significant presence in the United States and other countries. As you can see, we presented the ZipRecruiter revenue and user statistics in this article. We hope it provides a comprehensive understanding of the platform’s growth and position in the market. In addition, the article also includes a comparison of ZipRecruiter’s alternatives and related statistics for further reference. In case you have any queries, you can ask them in the comments. Also, if you noticed any missing information or have access to updated statistics that you would like to share, please let us know. We appreciate any additional insights you can provide.
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