Best Work From Home Hacks You Need To Know!

Last Updated: April 2024

From 2019 to 2021, the proportion of individuals predominantly working from home surged, increasing from 5.7% to 17.9% of the populace. 

Discover essential work-from-home hacks for optimizing your home office setup. From productivity-boosting routines to remote work strategies, these WFH hacks will elevate your efficiency. 

Explore innovative solutions tailored to enhance your working-from-home experience.

#1. Maximize your Productivity with Multiple Monitors

Unlock your potential by utilizing multiple monitors. Expand your workspace and organize tasks efficiently. Seamlessly switch between applications for a smoother workflow. Compare documents side by side without the hassle of constant resizing. Embrace the flexibility of arranging windows to suit your preferences. With multiple monitors, conquer multitasking effortlessly.

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#2. Keep your Workspace Neat 

When working from home, taming the tangle of cords is key to an organized workspace. Start by grouping similar cables using zip ties or Velcro straps. 

Utilize cable organizers or clips to keep cords off the floor and out of sight. Position your power strip strategically to minimize excess cord length. Consider investing in a wireless setup for peripherals like mice and keyboards to reduce clutter. 

By taking these simple steps, you can create a clean and more efficient work environment in your home office.

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#3. Preserve your Essential Picks

Streamline your workflow by bookmarking your must-have websites and resources. Create folders in your browser for easy access to specific categories like productivity tools, inspiration sources, and reference materials. 

Utilize browser extensions to save articles or webpages for later reading without cluttering your bookmarks bar. Organize your bookmarks regularly to keep them updated and relevant to your current projects and interests. 

By implementing this simple hack, you can save time and stay focused on your tasks without searching for essential links repeatedly.

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#4. Prioritize Wireless Connectivity

Opt for wireless devices wherever possible to declutter your workspace and enhance flexibility. Invest in wireless peripherals like keyboards and mice to reduce cable tangling and enable freedom of movement. 

Choose wireless headphones or earbuds for convenient, cord-free listening during virtual meetings or while focusing on tasks. Embrace wireless charging solutions for your devices to eliminate the hassle of constantly plugging and unplugging cords. 

Creating a more streamlined and efficient work environment allows you to concentrate on your work with fewer distractions.

Read this: Top 10 Companies Looking for Remote Helpdesk Jobs

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#5. Adjust your Browser to Open Tabs on Startup

To optimize your work-from-home setup, configure your browser to open your preferred tabs automatically upon launch. It saves you time by presenting the web pages you use most frequently. 

Customize your browser settings to ensure a seamless start to your workday, with tabs already loaded and ready for action. Prioritize tabs related to your current projects, emails, calendars, and other essential tools or resources. 

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#6. Make Time for Periodic Breaks

Remember to take regular breaks throughout your work-from-home day to maintain productivity and avoid burnout. Set timers or reminders to prompt you to step away from your screen and stretch your legs. 

Use break times to hydrate, snack, or engage in quick relaxation techniques to recharge your energy. Incorporating short breaks into your schedule can help prevent mental fatigue and improve overall focus and concentration.

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#7. Create a Designated Work Zone

Maintain a tidy and organized workspace free from clutter. OfficeMax’s survey found that 77% of participants identified clutter as a barrier to their productivity, with over half reporting its adverse effects on motivation and mental state.

After decluttering your workspace, take further steps to optimize it by incorporating air-purifying plants, a music player, or a dry-erase board wall.

The key is to obtain a desk or table that suits your height and a chair offering excellent back support. 

Alternatively, explore using a standing desk or sitting on an exercise ball, which can enhance comfort and alleviate back pain. 

Additionally, there are software solutions available to aid in maintaining optimal posture.

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#7. Create a Designated Work Zone

Maintain a tidy and organized workspace free from clutter. OfficeMax’s survey found that 77% of participants identified clutter as a barrier to their productivity, with over half reporting its adverse effects on motivation and mental state.

After decluttering your workspace, take further steps to optimize it by incorporating air-purifying plants, a music player, or a dry-erase board wall.

The key is to obtain a desk or table that suits your height and a chair offering excellent back support. 

Alternatively, explore using a standing desk or sitting on an exercise ball, which can enhance comfort and alleviate back pain. 

Additionally, there are software solutions available to aid in maintaining optimal posture.

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#8. Vary your Work Environment for Increased Productivity

Consider switching up your workspaces throughout the day to maintain freshness and productivity while working from home. Alternate between different areas in your home, such as a standing desk, couch, or outdoor patio, to avoid monotony and stimulate creativity. 

Experiment with different environments to find what works best for various tasks or moods. Change your scenery to prevent boredom, stay motivated, and maintain focus throughout your workday. 

Embrace flexibility in your work setup to optimize your productivity and overall well-being while working remotely.

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#9. Build Spaces you Admire

Craft spaces in your home workspace that bring you joy and inspiration while working remotely. Personalize your surroundings with decor, plants, or artwork that reflects your style and personality. 

Arrange your workspace to maximize comfort and functionality, ensuring it feels inviting and conducive to productivity. Incorporate elements that evoke positive emotions and motivate you to engage fully in your tasks. 

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#10. Dress yourself

Make it a habit to get dressed every morning, even when working from home, to boost your productivity. Opt for comfortable yet presentable clothing that helps you feel ready to tackle your tasks. 

Getting dressed signals the start of your workday and can improve your focus and motivation. Additionally, it sets boundaries between your personal and professional life, enhancing work-life balance. 

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work from home hacks

#11. Formulate a Beginning and Conclusion for your Day’s Activities

Establish start and end times for your work-from-home day to maintain structure and balance. 

Decide a specific time to begin your work each morning and stick to it consistently. Similarly, set a definite end time to signal the conclusion of your workday and transition into personal time. 

Build a routine that promotes productivity during work hours and allows for relaxation and leisure outside of them. Setting a start and end time prevents overwork & burnout and helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance while working remotely.

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#12. Be Ready with an Alternative Plan

Always have a backup plan ready for unexpected disruptions while working from home. Prepare alternative solutions or contingency arrangements for common issues like internet outages or power failures. 

Keep essential tools and documents backed up on multiple devices or cloud storage platforms. Communicate your backup plan with colleagues or supervisors during emergencies. 

Having a plan B readily available helps you stay adaptable and maintain productivity in the face of unforeseen challenges.

Read this: 10 Companies That Hire for Work from home Chat Jobs

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#13. Define Personal Boundaries

Clarify the conditions under which others can access your workspace. Remote work often intertwines personal and professional spheres. 

To uphold tranquility and productivity, delineate clear limits with family, housemates, and yourself.

Outline your work timetable and instances where interruptions should be limited, except in genuine emergencies. Establishing these guidelines early on helps prevent reaching your stress threshold.

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#14. Always have Healthy Choices at Hand

Stock up on nutritious foods and snacks to fuel your body and mind while working from home. Keep healthy options like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains readily available. Avoid relying on sugary or processed snacks that can lead to energy crashes and decreased focus. Plan and prep your meals and snacks in advance to ensure you have nourishing choices on hand throughout the day. 

Remember, staying hydrated and nourished with balanced meals and snacks keeps your focus sharp and prevents the mid-afternoon energy dip.

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#15. Prioritize Physical Activity 

Incorporate movement breaks into your work-from-home routine to boost energy and productivity. Arrange small breaks in your day to allow for stretching, walking, or engaging in gentle physical activities. Take advantage of opportunities to incorporate physical activity into your day, such as walking meetings or standing desks. 

Engaging in regular physical activity doesn’t just maintain your fitness; it also refreshes your mind, uplifts your spirits, and may even enhance your concentration.

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#16. Embrace Music or White Noise to Boost Motivation and Heighten Focus

Utilize music or white noise to intensify motivation and concentration while working from home. Create playlists of your favorite songs or instrumental tracks to boost productivity and mood. 

Alternatively, try ambient sounds like rain or ocean waves to drown out distractions and promote focus. Try out different styles and levels of intensity to determine your optimal fit.

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#17. Reserve Dedicated Focus Time on your Calendar

Set aside dedicated focus time on your calendar to maximize productivity while working from home. Block off uninterrupted periods where you can solely focus on high-priority tasks without distractions. 

Treat these time slots as non-negotiable appointments with yourself and respect them as you would any other meeting. Use this focused time to tackle challenging projects or engage in deep work that requires your full attention.

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#18. Maximize Focus with Time Management Tools

To optimize your work-from-home productivity, employ a timer as your steadfast ally. Set specific time intervals for tasks, ensuring focus and efficiency. 

You might succeed with the Pomodoro Technique, which involves dedicating 25 minutes to concentrated work, followed by a brief five-minute break. As the timer ticks, dive into your work with unwavering dedication. 

Harness the power of structured breaks, rejuvenating your mind for the next sprint. Embrace this method to maintain balance and momentum throughout your remote work day.

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#19. Design your Routine

Establish a daily routine to maximize your work-from-home efficiency. Begin by setting consistent waking and working hours. 

Dedicate time for breaks and meals to maintain energy levels and mental clarity. Incorporate regular exercise and leisure activities to rejuvenate your body and mind. 

Conclude your day with a structured wrap-up routine. Take time to reflect on your achievements and plan your agenda for the following day.

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#20. Make Room for Socializing in your Day

Make sure to carve out time to connect with others, even when working from home. Schedule virtual coffee breaks or lunch meetings to maintain social interaction. 

Join online communities or forums related to your industry to stay engaged with peers. Consider organizing virtual team-building activities to foster camaraderie. 

Don’t forget that socializing isn’t solely for enjoyment; it cultivates a balanced and connected professional life.

Read this: Best Entry Level Work From Home Jobs You Should Explore!

Are you curious about remote work opportunities? Let’s explore what HomeJobsHub has in store for you!

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Discover Remote Opportunities with HJH

Home Jobs Hub offers a variety of remote job opportunities matched to your skills. Their user-friendly platform refines the application process for a seamless experience. 

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    • Unlock a Diverse Job Pool: Access a vast range of remote job listings across various industries to find the perfect match for your skills and preferences.
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    • Interactive Application Process: Engage directly with employers through the integrated application system, streamlining the hiring process for both parties.
    • Stay Ahead with Resourceful Tools: Access valuable resources, including resume builders and interview tips, to enhance your job search strategy. 


In conclusion, these work-from-home hacks, including home office tips and remote work strategies, empower you to thrive in your remote work setup. With these essential insights and WFH hacks, you’re equipped to maximize productivity and balance seamlessly in your remote work environment. 

Among those primarily working from home, around 34% desire to work remotely permanently if given the opportunity. Implement these effective work hacks today for a more efficient and enjoyable remote work experience.

Are you in search of a gateway to flexible remote work opportunities? Explore HomeJobsHub’s diverse job listings tailored to your skills and schedule. 

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